
10 tummy tightening foods

Oats with Cinnamon: Oats are a great start to your day. They will help keep you full while the cinnamon has natural thermionic properties, increasing your metabolism.
Grapefruit: Grapefruit helps lower insulin levels, which promotes weight loss and a fast metabolism.Red Peppers: Peppers contain capsaicin to help you to burn that stubborn fat... click on link to see more
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Exercises To Get Rid Of Back Fat

Back bulge around the bra area or a pesky muffin top aren't fun to deal with. But you can feel more confident in your own skin with just a little extra effort. Sure, targeting specific body parts to burn fat doesn't work, but these healthy tips can help you get the results you want faster
Thirteen exercises that can be done at home or the gym to make the dreaded bra bulge a thing of the past!
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Fit tips to lose 10 pounds in 30 days

Lose weight without feeling hungry with these satisfying lunch options. Combine them with the breakfast, dinner, and snack recipes in this diet for a total of 1,500 calories a day.
Set your goal and determine your commitment level. If you don’t know why you’re committing to this plan or if you’re not doing it for yourself, you’re more likely to fail. Click on source link to read full article

Workouts that burn more calories than running

You loathe any sport that involves putting one foot in front of the other in quick succession? Don't sweat it. There are plenty of other activities that just as effective in the calorie-burning department — and markedly less torturous
Granted, it's like running on wheels. But even if rollerblading didn't burn 426 calories per hour, it'd still be more fun than jogging Click on source link to read full article

Get Bubble Butt Exercise

Perk up your derriere and drag it out of its drooping, hibernating slumber with our guide to the 12 best butt exercises. Each exercise specifically targets the gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, and hamstrings —

the chief muscles responsible for creating the appearance of a firm, tight, lifted butt — to directly access deep, hard-to-activate muscle fibers and stimulate growth at a hyperaccelerated rate. Click to find more
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How to Lose Weight Without Even Trying

Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, but even when you're not powering through a treadmill interval workout or counting calories, there are a lot of simpler ways to see those pounds drop on the scale.
Always start a meal with a glass of water: You'll stay hydrated and feel fuller instantly, which can help you from overeating. Click on source link to read full article

Best 5 Triceps Exercises to Blast Arm Jiggle

Do we all agree that arm jiggle is one of the worst trouble areas ever? Especially when you can literally feel your arm still waving goodbye after your hand has stopped moving?
Check out the top five moves to target the pesky triceps area and rid yourself of arm jiggle! Click on source link to read full article

How to tone your thighs and butt with these easy to do workouts

Want mini-skirt worthy legs? These moves will get you there in no time at all. Pick a few moves, or try them all to sculpt your butt, hamstrings, quads, thighs, and calves.
Stand with the feet together, and lift up the left leg with a pointed toe, putting your body weight onto the standing, right leg. Continue to lift your leg and drop the head and torso so they form a straight horizontal line from head to toe with the arms at your sides.
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27 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently

Exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day, or if you are on a tight schedule, exercise several times during the day — for example, three 10-minute exercise sessions. Eat small meals often. Rather than eating one large meal and skipping meals, eat three healthy meals during the day, especially breakfast. Studies show that skipping meals causes can lead to overeating or snacking unhealthy foods later in the day.
Eat fruits and vegetables. If your main entree is grilled, skinless chicken, and make the fruits and vegetables the largest portions on your Click on source link to read full article

How to Wash Your Hair Properly?

Begin by brushing your hair before you get into the shower. Not only with this help reduce the amount of hairs that get caught in your drain, but it will also reduce breakage as well as stimulate circulation in your scalp.
Wet your hair thoroughly, and apply a quarter-sized dollop of shampoo to the palm of your hand. Start by lathering hair at the roots and working your way down. Click on link for more Click on source link to read full article

Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout

Blast belly fat with a 4 Minute Fat Blaster that continues to burn fat up to 24 hours! Next, sculpt the belly with exercises designed to target the entire midsection. The first routine will burn overall body fat while the second tightens and defines the abdominal muscles. Click to see more Click on source link to read full article

Sugaring – Sugar Wax Hair Removal at home

Sugaring is an all-natural method that uses a paste or gel made from sugar, water and lemon juice to easily removes the hair from the root. It washes off easily with water and the results can last up to six weeks.

Pour sugar, honey and water in a sauce pan and melt it until the sugar caramelizes. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon to the sugar. Be careful the sugar will be foamy and hot, continue stirring on medium heat until the mixture has completely melted attains a golden brown color. Let the wax cool down before you use it.
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Gold Smoky Eye Tutorials for Fall

You’ve seen a smokey eye before, but not quite like this! We chose a neutral brown palette with a touch of gold shimmer for added glam! From the office to a dinner date, we know that as soon as you give our Golden Smokey Eye Tutorial a whirl you’ll be rocking this sultry look all season long!
Begin by applying chocolate brown pencil eyeliner to the upper lash line, and white pencil eyeliner to the lower waterline. Click on link to see more Click on source link to read full article

When All Else Fails, Try These 10 Belly Slimming Methods

If you've been working on getting a flat stomach or definition in your midsection, and nothing seems to work, try these 10 other belly slimming methods from Prevention.
For all the effort you've put into toning it--and for all the cupcakes you've given up to maintain it--your midsection should be as rock-hard as a diamond and just as much fun to show off. Click on source link to read full article

12 tips for faster metabolism and weight loss

A lean body mass will increase metabolism. It is certainly possible to delay the decline in metabolism as you grow older even though the decline is natural. Muscle volume is a determinant of metabolism that will take away fat or calories. There is no way around it that exercise is important.
Weight training at least a couple of times a week will build muscle and strength and you can fill in the gaps between workouts with lighter easier exercises. Even things like taking the dog for walks and avoiding the elevator and taking the stairs can serve over time to help increase metabolism and in turn burn calories.
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How to trick yourself into exercising in the morning

Sleep in your gym gear Your gym shorts and sweatshirt are comfortable already, so why make an additional change before you exercise? “Sleep in your workout gear or work out in your pajamas,” says NYC-based trainer Larysa DiDio.
“Sometimes the extra 10 minutes it takes to get dressed is the difference between going to the gym or ditching it.”  Wake up and smell the coffee Auto-set your coffee maker in the evening, before you hit the hay. “Studies show that the smell of coffee energizes you, Click on source link to read full article

How to Get Rid of Your Muffin Top

Muffin tops are hated year round – they’re either revealed in those skinny, low-rise jeans or when you’re tanning in your bikini. For most women, they are often the “last thing to go” when trying to lose weight. But when you do the proper exercises and add certain foods to your diet, you won’t have to wait as long as you think to see results.
Fat is stored around the hip area, creating what we call the “muffin top”, and is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but is horrific for your health [1]. The gut is one of the most integral areas of your body, containing of many of your vital organs. Having a built up wall of fat decreases the functionality of natural digestive processes, while it increases your chances of suffering from avoidable autoimmune diseases.... click on link to see more Click on source link to read full article

How to get thin thighs in 30 days

One of the very best ways to slim your thighs and improve your general health and well-being is to get out and walk — briskly and regularly.It doesn’t sound ­innovative, but did you know that with the right pace and route, walking can burn off more than 300 calories an hour? 

And when you use the correct technique, walking regularly really can tone bottom and thigh muscles incredibly quickly. To get the dramatic results that the Thin Thighs In 30 Days programme promises, you need to walk one to three miles, six days a week — ­follow Click on source link to read full article

Top 5 natural remedies against blackheads

Blackheads are just pimples that don’t have skin over them. That’s all they are. Because there’s no skin, and they’re exposed to the air, the top layer of gunk in your pores oxidizes and turns that darkish black color.
If you’re prone to blackheads, I have some good and bad news for you. The bad news is, large pores and oily skin are going to be a fact of life for you. The likelihood that you’ll be able to totally reverse either of those things is nil. Click on source link to read full article

How Yoga helps to get a flat tummy

Yoga not only provides you a flat tummy but also gives a fit and healthy body. So, remember to take proper diet joined with a decent fitness monotonous that benefits you to decrease the fat to a better level. The yoga supports in declining the stomach fat, as well as permits you to regulate your physique and mind.
Stance with, heels slightly extensive, keeping the spine straight, by hands on any side of your body, palms fronting your body. Expanse your hands to the opposite and joint the palms. Inhaling acutely, stretch your spine. Raise hands up bounce as ample as you can.... click on link to see more Click on source link to read full article

5 fitness secrets for flatter belly

Don't even think about sucking it in so you'll fit into those cute fitted white jeans: There are less-painful and longer-lasting ways to get the amazing middle you crave. We went straight to experts to get their very best advice for quickly shrinking your tummy.
Here are the surprising foods, tricks, and moves they swear by. Their genius tips will help you shed inches and pounds, banish the bloat, and feel even more gorgeous. Click on source link to read full article

Diy stretch marks cream - works surprisingly well

Here is a a potent recipe for a DIY stretch mark cream that successfully fights the stretch marks as well as cellulite. Easy to be prepared, completely natural and toxin-free. Many women struggle every day to get rid of stretch marks.
Very often this struggle turns out to be pointless and the results most women get are not always the expected ones. This happens with most of the creams that flood the market. Click on source link to read full article

10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

This is an awesome way to relieve tension in your lower back and work your butt at the same time. (A cushy mat will keep your tailbone from crying afterward.)
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
Lift your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 1 count, and then lower back down.
Repeat the lifts for 60 seconds, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top of the range of motion. 
Be careful not to overarch your spine. To make this exercise more difficult, extend one leg at the top of the lift. Keep your thighs parallel and hold the lifted position for about 5 seconds. Keeping your hips up, place your foot back on the floor and then Click on source link to read full article

The 5 best leg exercises

Want mini-skirt worthy legs? These moves will get you there in no time at all. Pick a few moves, or try them all to sculpt your butt, hamstrings, quads, thighs, and calves.Stand with the feet together, and lift up the left leg with a pointed toe, putting your body weight onto the standing, right leg. Continue to lift your leg and drop the head and torso so they form a straight horizontal line from head to toe with the arms at your sides.
 Engage your core and make sure the left thigh, hip, and toes are aligned. Remain facing down and keep your back as straight as possible. Ensure your right knee doesn't lock and center the weight on the middle of the foot. Hold for 5 breaths and then slowly return to standing.
Switch legs and repeat.
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12 tips for faster metabolism and weight loss

Eat more small meals about 2-3 hours apart and make it so you eat about 4 – 6 meals a day.
Do not skip meals. A dieter may want to skip meals but in order to lose weight the metabolism has to be kept high and in order for metabolism to be kept up there has to be fuel. Get good at planned meals. Establish a balanced pattern and plan out the amounts and times to eat the proper meals. Avoid a sporadic schedule for meals as this is a huge mistake.

 Get rid of the stress in your life. Stress can come from all different areas of your life and it can detrimentally affect your attempts to increase your metabolism. Work on the areas of stress and your metabolism will naturally increase.Green tea in copious amounts as a alternate for drinking coffee will serve to stimulate your metabolism and it does not have the negative side effects like coffee does if you drink too much
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3 ways to stimulate hair growth

Nutrition is the key to a strong foundation for your entire body, and your hair is no exception. I’m sure you’ve already heard that fish oil and vitamin B can help kickstart the growth of your hair, but there are many other vitamins you can include in your daily intake that will also get the job done. Viviscal is a supplement that.... click on link to see more
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How to do beachy waves in less than 5 minutes

Whether you’re in the midst of trying to recover your strands from a misguided cut or simply want longer locks, you may have a hard time patiently waiting for your hair to grow. All you need to do is wash your hair first. Then brush it until it dries with a flat brush. You can also brush your hair in front of a fan, it's quick but you will have to brush your hair continuously. If you are not doing it in front of the fan so you can brush your hair after every five minutes until it dries. It'd be better if you section your hair and then brush. It'd give you best results. Pull out the sections and .... click on link to see more
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7 Tips for losing 10 pounds in one month

This is a very realistic goal. You are losing weight quickly, but not so fast that it is unhealthy. At this rate you are losing about 2.5 pounds per week. There are a few ways to go about reaching this goal. One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories.
Reduce your caloric intake. Losing weight is a simple matter of cutting down on calories, eating healthier foods, and exercising more. In order to lose 2 pounds every week, you will need to cut your intake by about 1,000 calories. Do this by eating fewer calories and by burning more calories through exercise... 
 In order to lose 2 pounds every week, you will need to cut your intake by about 1,000 calories. Do this by eating fewer calories and by burning more calories through exercise.
If you eat between 1,000 and 1,200 calories a day and do one hour of aerobic activity, you could lose 3-5 pounds in just one week!Regardless of your weight, don't attempt to eat under 1,200 calories a day for more than one week. Start reading food labels and using online calorie calculators to determine the calorie content of everything you eat.....
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Get the Stomach you Crave

Do you envy the toned tummies of movie stars and athletes? Are you bored with the traditional ab crunches you have been doing since high school? Are you ready to focus on your abs in preparation for the summer bikini season? You can keep doing your routine core exercises, but add these three exercises into your tummy-toning regime to get those sexy summer abs before you hit the beach.
Having the coveted six-pack abs is no easy feat – you have to diet, do daily cardio (and we are not talking a stroll in the park) and perform a challenging series of abdominal and oblique strength-training exercises. Click on source link to read full article